Yesterday Steve and I went to the doctor to have a four week checkup for BT. He is 11 weeks. The midwife was ready to perform the ultrasound and BT was hiding way in the back of my womb. She grabbed my belly and gave it a good shake and what do you know. Our BT blob started dancing. Expectantly, the midwife, her name is LaTonya, looked at us as she explained the head and torso. I am looking hard but I can't see anything that resembles a head or torso. But Steve decides to play the game.
"So that is the head?" he says doubtfully pointing to the screen.
"No, that is the butt and torso." LaTonya patiently replies.
"And that is his leg?"
"No, that is his arm. See it tucked in the back there?"
I am still in the dark that it is even a person. I can see his little heart beating and we did get to listen to the heart beat 150 times a minute. I could obviously see him jumping around as he kicked and waved his tiny arms but which was which, I can't say.