Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rain, rain, go away!

Water stomping!

We had a water stomping family good time. We got our not best shoes and went out in the rain to prevent cabin fever. It was great! We splashed, splished, jumped, pounded our hands, skipped, ran and sang in the rain.

Los Angeles got more rain this week than in the last ten years. That is a lot of rain. You may have seen us on the news. Houses washed away, bridges collapsed, and something like 1500 car accidents in 18 hours. Yes, we don't do well with rain. We rarely get it.

BT and I had such fun bringing holiday treats to the neighbors. Great fun! Only 3 day to Christmas. This year we have ornaments we put on the tree one each day. Each is relating to a name of Jesus. Immanuel-God with us, and today was The Door. We also did a chocolate advent from Trader Joe's that is really fun too. Christmas is so fun with kids! Everything is delightful. He pokes the ornaments, and angels, and presents. His eyes shine with wonder as he repeats pretty much everything you say.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Yeah, I'm a Survivor!

Cold (super light) is all but gone, except for the hanging on runny nose which may last for years, I've heard.

I am so delighted in my little man. He is so charming. Yes, I know I am his mother but still... he says monkey, hoo-hoo while scratching his armpits.

I am trying to get him to say thank you politely, so I say "thank you, thank you, thank you, Mommy." Yesterday, he said so sweetly, "Thank you, Mommy". He hasn't said it since, but hope springs eternal in my heart.

His little hair cut is adorable. His eyes look so big and innocent and when he is teasing nothing twinkles brighter than his brown/gray eyes!

Where there is the smallest bit of water his feet will soon follow. He is recently enthralled by leaves. No matter what they look like, if they are crunchy, all the better. Today he frantically zipped about trying to collect all of them before the wind swept them away! He got three, but a lovely three they were.

He insists that I wear the too small fireman hat, and pretend to spray and put out all the raging fires around the place. The spittle that comes out your mouth in the process of making the sputtering sound the better.

He got some wibble wobbles and giggles and squeeles with glee when we spin them.

Last night he "helped" me cut out sugar cookies. He loved putting his finger in the dough. Made me think it is time for play dough.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Cold by any other name is still a COLD.

Yep, BT has an official COLD. Some symptoms: A nose you cannot hope to catch, No patience for things that do not go his way, Whiney and not a chance of understanding what he is trying to say with a stuffed nose, If he sees the thermometer he has an allergic reaction by throwing a fit and shouting, "No, no, no!".

But he is more cuddly, and wants holding and rocking. He also slowed down enough to enjoy coloring and writing and then saying "x". He loves letters!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, 30 yrs old, Alex

Alexandria, wow, didn't 30 years just zip past. It is so hard to believe that another 30 years and we will be in our 60s. That changes my perspective on 60.

Tavis surprised her. I met lots of fun people. One girl from Grace I had met not long ago, and happens to me my next door neighbor, literally. So glad to meet you, Jane. This is so unique in a church as large as grace to meet people to actually live near you.

It was delightful to be with kids of all ages and really nice friendly believers. I met a woman who will be praying for us to adopt some kids, Tavis' aunt Joy. Her name perfectly suited her! A newly wed couple who knew each other since pre-school and re-met while working at Starbucks, the Pastor and wife of Alex's church, and we even saw our friends from Bible Study.

Mr. 18 months is big and strong and likes to do a one arm stop the train move. He tried it on a tiny 2 year old and when adults from every couner of the room came running to check on the crying girl, he started crying in terror. I hope this is a lesson that sticks, as my little reminders and corrections have not worked so far.

Today when I was going thru my closet he saw a pack of little trucks. He really wanted them. When I said ,"No." he threw an official fit. I really wanted to give them to him, but I counseled myself to do what was best for him for the long-run.

BT was trying to sing the Alphabet song with the Alpha bug. It was really really precious! Nanna Deanna worked really hard to teach him to hug her tight, and his hugs are so dear. He hugs great! Mommy moments are worth every minute.