Monday, November 29, 2010

18 months, how can it be?

Yes, It is 18 months to the day since little BT entered our lives. We are blessed more than we can count. No word is safe from his vocabulary! He repeats all that he hears.

He just discovered that pens, pencils and crayon make marks, so this is a whole new game. I am purposefully holding back on markers. He is also checking out the paintbrushes I bought at a garage sale as well as sidewalk chalk. He loves the way the chalk makes a clunking sound when it hits other pieces of chalk.

Uncle Ronnie came by to see BT and brought a girl along. BT loved the attention and the adorable backpack wheely case with the monkey on the front. Too cool! We went to the hometown chinese restaurant and "Aunt Helen" the head waitress took BT to see the euye...(fish) in the giagantic fish tank.

Thankful for my family, sanctifying hubby, delightful son, and my sisters. We had such a fun time at Cathy and Keni's this year. We love cousin Frankie and Uncle Edgar. That is such a fun name to say, right BT? Uncle Edgar taught us a great new game that was so funny and silly. We also played Skipbo to think of Grandma Wanda. We love and miss her and called her to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving.

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